Are You Going To College?

I do plan on going to college after I graduate high school. I want to go to college so it will help me succeed with a career so I don’t fail in life. Having a great career will make me happy and I hopefully will be able to become a family. All of that leads up because of college. I want to go to college to studying dramatic arts and becoming an actress then hopefully become famous and people’s idol. College can make a better chance of being on TV and getting noticed because I will have experience. So going to college is what I want to do when I graduate.

Most Important Relationship With Someone

Currently in my life I have a lot of important relationships. Everyone is very important and it is hard but at this moment if I had to choose one it would be with my sister Katelin. We have always been close our whole life and lately she has had a different unexpected time going on and it would really kill me if we weren’t the same anymore. I consider her my actual best friend because i trust her more than anyone ever. I hang with her more than anyone else and she understands me more than most people. I love my sister with all my heart and our relationship is one of the most important one I have.

Class I Enjoy The Most

The class I enjoy the most is probably choir. Choir is a really good class to take if you love to sing. You don’t have to be the best but the more you focus in the class your voice is trained to sing better than before. You can really express things without being judged. The class is like a safe place, everyone is excepted for who they are. I also enjoy the class because there is no exams. We don’t have to stress about tests because we just sing. We also have never done book work or homework. Choir is just a pure class and you’re not forced to take it so you choose that class for your enjoyment.